What to Expect in Your First Appointment

What to Expect in Your First Appointment

If you or a loved one are experiencing hearing loss, it’s important to get advice from a professional you can trust. At Hearing Sense, our audiologists and audiometrists will assess your hearing, offer you advice, recommend a variety of hearing aids, ad adjust it to suit you and your lifestyle.

We know it can be daunting taking that first step and booking in your first appointment but there’s no need for worry! This week’s blog is all about your first appointment; from what to expect to how to book it in – we’ve got it all covered!

Where can I go if I have hearing loss?

The first step is towards an improved quality of life is booking an appointment at a hearing clinic, like Hearing Sense, to get advice.

We offer free hearing tests in Adelaide so we determine if you have hearing loss. This is an hour long appointment that includes a chat about your personal situation and a hearing test so we tailor our advice to suit you and your lifestyle. We can determine the specific cause of your hearing loss and recommend the best hearing aids for you!

What can I expect in my first appointment?

Your first visit to see one of our clinicians will start with an individual consultation, followed by a hearing test. The aim of this conversation is to gain an understanding your personal hearing situation and your needs. We’ll go through your daily requirements and of course your hobbies – whether it’s gardening, meeting friends, or watching television we want to know how you enjoy spending your days! It gives a great insight into what you might be looking for in a hearing aid and we love to get to know all of our clients, new and old.

The hearing tests doesn’t take long and provides both your clinician and you with information on your hearing performance. We’ll ask you to sit in a specially equipped box and you’ll get to wear a cool pair of headphones that will play sounds to you. The clinician uses your responses to the sounds to create an audiogram. The results of the hearing test form the basis of the personalised advice our clinicians will give you in your first appointment.

If hearing aids are something you’re interested in and you’d like to trial a pair, our clinicians will show you a range of suitable options with you based on the results of your hearing test. Once you’ chosen a style you’d like to try, we have them specially made and delivered to us ready for your next appointment; the fitting! You then get to trial the hearing aids for 30 days before you commit to them.

How do I book in a free hearing test?

If you or a loved one feel you’re suffering from the symptoms of hearing loss, the best thing you can do is book in for a hearing test so you can get some answers. The easiest way to book your free hearing test AND ask any questions you may have is to call our lovely reception team on 8331 8047.

If you’re interested in trialling a new pair of hearing aids or maybe you’d like a family member to have their hearing tested, book an appointment at one of our clinics! Our friendly reception team are happy to answer any questions you may have, call us on 8331 8047

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