How we can help

We just wanted to let you know we are here for you during this tricky time. We wanted to reassure you that we are taking every step to try to assist our patients to hear well and get what they need throughout this period. Your health and wellbeing is always at the forefront of our care. We still want to provide the best care and passionate service as we always have and as a small business, your ongoing support for our service is really REALLY appreciated.

We have some resources below including videos on how to clean your hearing aids and information on remote programming of hearing aids from home, so please keep reading to find out more.

Please reschedule your appointment with us if you have any cold/ flu-like symptoms. We are more than happy to rebook your appointment for a few weeks than create risk for our more elderly patients.

Click here for the latest alerts from the Department of Health

All stringent infection control policies and procedures are in place including asking you to hand sanitise as you enter the clinic. We encourage patients and staff to follow correct sneezing/ coughing etiquette. This means coughing/ sneezing into your elbow NOT your hand and hand sanitizing or washing your hands immediately afterwards.

This will save you coming into the clinic for the time being but still have a consult over the phone, video call, Zoom or even a dedicated app for your hearing aid.

If you are fitted with these devices:

  1. Oticon behind-the-ear hearing aids – Siya, Opn, Opn S or Ruby
  2. Phonak Marvel behind-the-ear hearing aids

you can access Remote Fine Tuning through a dedicated app.

This means we will have a virtual appointment with you through your phone. We will be able to see each other and speak to each other just as freely as in a face to face appointment and be able to adjust your hearing aids while you are at home.

Just follow these steps (and feel absolutely free to call us and we can help you set this up over the phone).

For Oticon Hearing Aids

  1. Call us and find out if your hearing aid and your mobile is compatible with Remote Fine Tuning
  1. Download the Oticon Remote Care app onto your smart phone. This will work with iPhone / iPads and most Android devices
  1. Set up an account using an email address / facebook / app store login.
  1. Watch this video on how easy this is:
  1. Just be sure to allow microphone and video camera access so we can see each other and hear one another.
  1. Call us on 8331 8047 and book in for a Remote Care Appointment. The reason we need you to book in is we need to have you login and we open up your hearing aid programming page at the same time. If you just try to connect, it won’t let you unless we are in your file at the same time.
  1. Then we have an appointment! As easy as that. We can program your hearing aid and you can save the new settings into your hearing aid through your phone. Easy peasy and saves you coming into the clinic.
  1. If you are unsure how to set up the app, when you call for the Remote Care appointment ask our lovely admin team to guide you through setting up your app. It is really easy!

For Phonak Marvel Hearing aids

  1. Call us to find out if your hearing aid and your mobile is compatible with Remote Fine Tuning
  1. Watch this video to see how easy it is:
  1. Speak to a clinician who will give you a CODE to set up your remote fine tuning and send you an INVITATION to participate. If we are with a patient when you call, one of us will call you back as soon as we are free.
  1. Accept the invitation which will appear in your email.
  1. Install the myPhonak app onto your smart phone.
  1. Call us on 8331 8047 and book in for a Remote Care Appointment. The reason we need you to book in is because you login and we open up your hearing aid programming page at the same time. If you just try to connect, it won’t let you unless we are in your file at the same time.
  1. Then we have an appointment! As easy as that. We can program your hearing aid and you can save the new settings into your hearing aid through your phone. Easy peasy and saves you coming into the clinic.
  1. If you are having any problems, just give us a call and we can guide you through setting everything up.

Perhaps you are having a problem with your hearing aid and by being able to see each other, we can talk you through what may be wrong and we can show you on the call how to fix it.

We have set up a Zoom account so that you can have a face to face chat with one of our lovely admin girls if you can’t get your hearing aid working or need help with cleaning, insertion, battery changes or anything we would normally do in the clinic.

We can also connect on Whatsapp, Facebook Messenger call or even Facetime if you have an iphone.

Simply give us a call on 8331 8047 or email at to schedule time for the Telecare call and let us know what type of call works best for you!

We know a lot of you like to come in for a clean and service of your hearing aids by our fabulous admin team, and you are still welcome to do this. However, we are also providing a Do-it-yourself Clean & Care Kit which can be mailed to you with instructions of how best to service your aid yourself. We have video links of Kelly taking you through the process and what to do with the Do-it-yourself Clean and Care Kit.

Please call us and we can provide you with the correct kit for your aid. We may ask you to take a photo of your aids so we can get you the perfect size dome replacements or chat to us through a video call on Zoom, Whatsapp or Facetime.

  • Phonak Marvel, Unitron Discover and Evertone Xcite Behind-the-Ear Hearing Aids
  • Oticon Behind-the-Ear Hearing Aids
  • Phonak Audeo, Unitron Moxi, Evertone Sound Behind-the-Ear Hearing Aids
  • Any In-the-Ear Hearing Aid
  • Any Behind-the-Ear Hearing Aid With A Mould

We are still available for all our Lyric clients. We have very strict sterilisation protocols in place and clinicians will always wear a mask when replacing your Lyric.

For some clients, self replacement may be an option and we can guide you through how this process works.

If you need help removing your Lyric – we have a video that takes you step by step through removing it. See it here:

How to Remove Your Lyric Hearing Aid

We have always offered a free postage service of batteries and we encourage you to call or order batteries online through our website and we will post them straight away to you. This will make life easier for you as well.

You are welcome to still call us on 8331 8047 and order them over the phone if you prefer.

Thank you again for being our patient! We wish you and your family well and take care of yourselves. As a small business, we really do VALUE you and want to keep providing you with the best care we can during these unexpected times.

Please contact us at any time if you need help or there is anything more we can do. You can call us on 8331 8047 , email us on and please like our Facebook Page and you will see regular updates and videos from us on there.

Our clinic details are also on this page.

Online Battery Order