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Hearing Protection

Hearing Protection If you work in an industry where you’re exposed to loud noises that may damage your hearing – this blog is for you! ...

Hearing Aid Care

Hearing Aid Care Take care of your hearing aid and it’ll take care of you! Cleaning your hearing aid and taking it for a regular ...
The Hearing Process - how we hear

The Hearing Process

The hearing process is quite remarkable. The ear is made up of thousands of hairs, nerves and cells. It picks up sound waves and sends ...
Ear infections

Ear Infections

Ear infections can be incredibly painful and cause permanent damage to the outer, middle and inner ear if not treated correctly. But how are they ...
Effects of hearing loss

Effects of Hearing Loss

The effects of hearing loss can be more severe than not being able to keep up with conversation in a busy restaurant… Addressing hearing loss ...
NIHL noise-induced hearing loss

NIHL (noise-induced hearing loss)

Noise and their effects on our hearing – NIHL (noise-induced hearing loss) Every day our ears are exposed to various sounds and noises, from tooting ...

Online Battery Order