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Six months ago, I purchased Hearing Aids from Hearing Sense.  At the time I thought it was an unnecessary expense.  I had had a stroke a few months earlier, and some brain surgery, and my wife knew I could not hear the doctors properly.  She insisted we get the best.

They took a little getting used to, and I have now decided it was money well spent!

Pavel was – and is – fantastic, and has been gentle with me all the way.  The support staff have been prompt and great with all my requests and questions.

I can now have the TV sound sent straight to my hearing aids, with my mobile phone as controller.  It is brilliant sound – better than the surround sound audio system.  And my wife doesn’t need to hear it at all, as the sound can be muted or at a level to suit her, not blaring.

I am hearing all sorts of things I have not heard before – I didn’t know two clocks we have actually ticked!  I attend meetings and can hear each individual speaking clearly.

My wife is the chief battery changer and cleaner of the hearing aids – the stroke left some weakness in one hand, but I have done it when she is not available.  It is not too fiddly.

All in all, I would like to thank all at Hearing Sense for getting me back into the communicating world.  I love it and thank them all greatly.

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