There was no doubt that my hearing as a 69 year old wasn’t as good as it used to be. Issues with regularly having to ask my wife to speak up or repeat something, TV volume issues or simply missing out on parts of conversations finally got me to acknowledge that I needed hearing aids. A friend who was already a very happy client of Kelly at Hearing Sense suggested that the excellent service and outcome that he had received could also benefit me.
How right he was! After a six week trial period when I learned how to use the hearing aids and ironed out any bugs in my understanding, I have now had them for six months and have realised how much they have improved my day to day life. I have learned how to best use them in various settings, I adjust the volume as needed and I am no longer struggling to hear what I had previously taken for granted as a younger person.
I chose to get the top of the range model as I wanted all the benefits that this technology has to offer. I have not been disappointed!! The better hearing that they provide is excellent in a whole range of situations eg: I can now hear conversations in noisy situations. The TV adapter allows the hearing aids (via bluetooth) to receive sound directly from the TV to my ears. My wife is then able to adjust the TV speakers to suit herself. I receive phone calls directly to my hearing aids. I can listen to music from my phone directly to my hearing aids.
I have been surprised by the number of times friends have noticed that I now wear hearing aids and have asked about my experience as their hearing is compromised the same as mine and they are contemplating getting them for themselves. I have outlined my journey which my friends have appreciated as they have yet to take the first steps. Based on what I have learned, I have stressed how important I believe the service provided by Kelly and her team has been to achieving my successful outcome. Typically, my friends have indicated that they will now seek out the benefits that I have realised.
The cost of hearing aids is always part of the conversation when discussing them with my friends. I have friends who are not particularly happy with their hearing aid experience and choosing lower spec’d models is a common theme. Not persisting with learning how to use them properly is another reason. My belief is that you get what you pay for so as I wanted all the benefits that these devices could offer, I went with the best and haven’t regretted it. Kelly and her team were always there if I had questions so I am now a confident user.
Not everyone is blessed with the amazing hearing that my lovely wife has so if I was going to still be able to have deep and meaningful conversations with her in the future I needed help and hearing aids have provided that.