Concerning the lyric fully inserted hearing aid at my first fitting the hearing improvement was extraordinary, sparkling sound which rapidly improved my mood and love of life. I was aware from research that I had been losing brain material because I had lost 20% of my high-frequency hearing and without exercise the relevant neurones die. I was also aware that poor hearing is associated with social isolation, Alzheimer’s disease and an early death which seemed undesirable to me!
Thad previously had amazing success with hard contact lenses for my eyes, being chronically myopic and the lyric have been just as effective. Perhaps better because I wear them all the time.
Relaxed persistence in allowing the brain to adjust to the hearing aid is the sensible approach I believe not being able to get the hearing aid to completely adapt to the brain!
Anyway, congratulations to lyric and I’m sure they are going to further improve it!
At 74 years of age, I am not able to do scuba wearing them or go up and down the pool with my head dipping under the water but that is a very small price to pay for getting my brain back and happiness! Here’s hoping lyric make them submersible in the near future!