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To all the people who have hearing loss and are in need of hearing aids I would urge you to make an appointment to see the Hearing Sense team at Norwood. Believe me when I say it’s the best decision I have ever made.

I was previously with another supplier and was not happy with their aids, and hated wearing them. By word of mouth I heard about Kelly and the wonderful staff and service, so decided to make the big step to see what they could for me.

First up the reception area and staff were so friendly and I was soon in to see Kelly for a chat and a new hearing test, it was explained very clearly just how bad my hearing was. I was not due for a replacement aid but Kelly made a huge effort and I was soon fitted with a very new modern set, it was the best thing I could have wished for.

I hated using my old set and now I wear my new ones all the time, they make such a huge difference in my hearing life now!

The Hearing Sense service is great, with any problems fixed straight away and fantastic staff who are always smiling. I highly recommend the Norwood centre, a life changer 100%.

These new aids are so small and many people who know I have hearing loss have commented saying ‘I can’t see them, are you wearing them again?’ and notice just how good I can hear again.
Thank you Kelly and the gang, I do wish you all the best, and I do love the nice coffee, biscuits and lollies I get at each visit.

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