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The Impact Hearing Loss May Have On Your Mental Health

The Impact Hearing Loss May Have On Your Mental Health

Do you know the impact that hearing loss may cause to your mental health? Audiologists all around Australia surveyed 3,700 Clients who have hearing loss or whose loved one is affected by hearing loss during 2019-2020, and these are the results that we found.

Clients answered questions around the most impacted areas of their day to day lives, referring to social, personal and activity related issues as well as their anxieties around cosmetics of the Hearing aids or having the initial Hearing test. This report shows:

  • 68% of Clients cited personal and social issues as the key factor of hearing loss.
  • 58% of Clients Stated their relationships suffered severely
  • 39% of Clients claimed that their communication skills (conversations) had declined significantly.

75% of the above said their biggest concern when it came to hearing aids was not their hearing loss, but rather the cosmetics of the hearing aids.

A majority of these clients made comments such as: “Hearing loss has caused me depression and I feel isolated. I refuse to go out in a social or public situation”

At Hearing Sense, we often see people who have had feelings similar to those mentioned above. In one particular instance, we had a client who came in for their appointment and struggled to hear us as we greeted them and offered them a tea or coffee. They were unable to engage in conversation with us and instead smiled slightly, said their name, and sat with their head down in the waiting room for their appointment. Within the hour they came out from their appointment with a huge grin on their face. They strolled straight to the front counter and chatted with us about their passion for cars and their family farm. It was an amazing sight for us to see a very isolated anxious person completely transform into a friendly, confident and bubbly individual.

We understand that there are so many reasons why people hesitate to come in for a test or won’t wear hearing aids. At Hearing Sense, we will offer you a one-on-one appointment where you can feel comfortable and listened to. We offer cosmetically invisible or discreet hearing aid options, which you are able to trial for FREE for 30 days to ensure they’re the best hearing solution for you.

It is very clear that the connection between Hearing Loss and Mental Health decline is present. If you feel like your hearing has made you isolated, lonely, and made communicating please don’t hesitate to give us call. Hearing Sense can help. Give us a call on 8331 8047 to book your FREE appointment.

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